One Hour Calzone Dough


one hour calzone dough

Or pizza dough.  Either way, this One Hour Calzone Dough is supremely handy, great for nearly last minute meal planning, and works in other pizza-y related scenarios.

Oddly, or I'm sure this will sound quite odd anyway, I remember the first time I had a calzone.

Back in my theater days, I was a'-hustling my butt working several different shows at a time.  Generally five to six at any given moment.  Yeah, I was tired.

And not rolling in the cash either because if you've ever worked in theater, you know the pay generally sucks.  If you get paid at all.  Yes, professionally.

So it wasn't too often that I'd eat out.

One day I was working at Victory Gardens Theater when it was south of its current location and there was (wow, is still holy cow) a pizza place across the street.
The show was about to resume tech for the evening, I was likely circling hangry so I dashed over there.
As an aside, with the upheaval we've all witnessed in the last two years, things are finally evolving and there's a group dedicated to making theater work more equitable, safer, and with more manageable hours.  I hope they succeed in their mission.
Anywhoo.  Pizza, too much for one; salad, not today; pasta, too messy...what's this?  Calzone?  Uhh, ok, sure.
When I scurried back across the street to sit in the dark for the latter half of my day I dunno another six hours plus, I opened the box, cut a hunk off and thought to myself, whoa, why have I not had one of these before.
Everything pizza but tidy in its dough shell, piping hot with cheese and pepperoni and sauce...mmm, my tummy just growled.

Any time I was nearby, always hoping to catch a gig at VGT, I stopped in and got myself a calzone.

The thought never crossed my mind to make one from scratch.  Or, not until recently-ish anyway.

Mike is a pizza lover in almost the extreme; natural extension, bake up calzones.  So I did and he said he didn’t like them.  He didn’t like the one I made but he also said he didn’t like them at all.  Which, cuckoo, makes zero sense.

Time passed and I ran across a delicious sounding calzone recipe, scratched my chin and decided to try again.  Mike, I love him; he forgets, shall we say.

I needed a dough though so thought I’d give a recipe I found on Allrecipes a whirl despite personally being mostly unlucky on that site.

See, the Perfect Thin Crust Pizza Dough recipe does not work well here.  Always fascinating to me how some doughs work well for some things but not others.  Like this dough too.

But, obviously everything worked and I won Mike over (big time) because I am here with you today.

Now, according to the dough recipe original, you can use it immediately after kneading which I've never tried but I think it’s better to let it rise so hence, One Hour Calzone Dough.

calzone dough ingredient prep
It’s so simple.  You need a total of merely seventy five minutes for fresh dough, it’s a mixer or mixer-free gig, and a dependable nugget to add to your repertoire.

I personally prefer a mixer do the work so here’s how I do it:

In a mixer bowl, pour in some water and add the yeast.  I find that running the bowl under some warm water helps the entire process than dumping heated water into a cold bowl which drops its temp instantly.

Right, so sprinkle in the yeast, give it about five minutes or so but in the meantime, mix up a cup of flour with the oil, honey, salt, and more water, nice and smooth. 
creating dough starter with flour, water, salt, honey, and oil
You're sorta creating a type of starter though I can't figure what official name this one would have, if any.

When the yeast is ready, stir in the flour goo you just made then add a cup of flour to the bowl.  Whirl that around on low.

mixing dough starter into bloomed yeast
Sorry, winter light = bad light = bad photos.

bloomed yeast with starter mix and one cup flour mixed in
When the first cup is mostly mixed in, add the second and whirl that whole thing around for about four minutes to knead.  It'll be soft and smooth and elastic and stick-free.

kneaded calzone dough
Toss the dough in a greased bowl, let it rise an hour or until it's doubled then bam, good to go.

risen and ready to use calzone dough
By the way, this dough is not terribly successful refrigerated for a slow rise, say, if your husband texts you last minute after you've made the dough and he wants to grill because spring is springing upending your plans, ya know, just FYI.

But otherwise, it's very handy, this One Hour Calzone Dough!  Next time I'll give you one way to use it.  In the meantime, here's Mike's Pizza Sauce!

Share your thoughts :

  1. WebNutMarkMay 17, 2024

    Was looking for a recipe with gram weights, and that didn’t take 2 days to make (only had one). Prepped last night per the directions, then fermented in the fridge overnight. Took out 2 hours before using. This was by far the best dough I’ve ever made - not sticky, stretched perfectly, launched expertly with only a dusting of flour. Baked on a pizza stone at 500 degrees - crust looked exactly like the best New York pizza places, and even had some light char on the bottom. This is now my go-to recipe for puzza dough. Great job!

    1. Well hot diggity dog, you made my day, thank you very much! I'm beyond thrilled this worked so well for you and it's now your go-to! Happy pizza-ing and thanks so much!

  2. Made exactly as directed but the dough was far too sticky to handle. I added a little less than a cup of more flour, but still had to flour my hands to get out of mixer and into the bowl to rise.

    1. Oh I'm sorry to hear that. I'm not sure what went awry for you as the water to flour ratio is pretty minimal. I wonder if your flour and location are much drier than mine. I hope you'll give it another try! Thanks for letting me know.


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